Southeastern Automation, Inc.
PO Box 22820
Knoxville, TN 37933-0820
Phone: (865) 675-3080
Fax: (865) 675-3060

Southeastern Automation Product Sheet

Xi Remote Electronics Unit

Xi Remote Electronics Unit
The Xi electronics offers the following unique advanced features never before offered for O2 probes:

Extended Process Temperature Range - Traditional O2 electronics will go into alarm if the process temperature exceeds the controlled heater temperature. This feature enables the Xi to turn off the internal heater in this event, use the process temperature to heat the cell, and calculate O2 on the fly from the changing process temperatures. Note that accelerated probe and cell damage may occur as a result of extended operation above 800°C (1462°F), but at least the measurement will not go off-line during this event.

Stoichiometer - Process upsets can sometimes cause a combustion process to go into substoichiometric or reducing conditions. The oxygen readings from one or more probes may decline all the way to zero. The stoichiometer cell will measure the amount of oxygen deficiency during these reducing conditions. The trends in your DCS can be set up for a lower range limit of -1 or -2% oxygen to depict the level of oxygen deficiency. The operator can see if his control actions to recover are having the desired effect. These types of events do not occur frequently, but knowing the parameters of the situation prevents overcorrecting while coming out of the reducing condition.

Programmable Reference– enhances operation for the following applications: Moisture Monitoring – measuring the amount of moisture coming off of industrial dryers by noting the dilution effect water vapor has on the normal 20.95% ambient drying air.

Enriched Oxygen Combustion – Pure oxygen is sometimes mixed in with the combustion air to increase heat at the flame. This is used in steel and other metals reduction processes and also in some catalyst regenerators.

Flame Safety Interlock – dry contact from a flame safety system removes power from the probe heater in a loss-of-flame event.

Data Sheet

Emerson Combustion Products